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Центральна міська бібліотека
ЦБС Шевченківського району м. Харкова

The presentation of the third edition of «I Am a Woman» Almanac

Anna Abramova, president of the International Women's Club of spiritual communion Lada ТCreative meeting members of the International Women's Club of spiritual communion Lada

The members of the International Women’s Club of Spirituality “Lada” held the Club’s art conference at the V. G. Belinsky City Central Library on June, 19, 2014. The agenda was summing up the results of the “Shades of Ingenuity” contest and conducting a presentation of the third edition of «I Am a Woman» Almanac.
Each woman engaged in the cooperation of the International Women’s Club of Spirituality “Lada” strives to unveil her talents, share her interests, find a meaningful occupation, take part at interesting contests, quizzes, art conferences which is all available for the members granted by the “I Am a Woman” literary almanac.
Many talented female members of the Club, also the authors of the articles and stories included into the “I Am a Woman” literary almanac, were present that night.
Olga trouble winner The Edge of skill; Singer-songwriter Victoria Ptah

The gifted Kharkiv poetesses Olha Beda, Valeriya Belous, Leontina Krasnoshapka, Nadezhda Novhorodova, Nina Lebedenko, Nadezhda Akimova and Olha Zviahina recited their poetry.
The centerpiece was speeches of the young Kharkiv poetesses, such as Taya Kauri, Oksana Klobutska, Olha Bovkun and Hasia Lapshun.
A celebrated Kharkiv poetess and writer Irina Chupis presented her literature translations, and Eleonora Komarevska recited some passages from her new book “Children and War”.
Oleh Bondar as the vice-president of the J. Vizbor lyric poetry club , Kharkiv poets Alexandr Polonsky with Yuriy The poetess Nadezhda Novgorodova The poetess Nadezhda Novgorodova Slepushenko and a well-known composer and performing artist Yuriy Ilyichev,- all were there to honor the members of the International Women’s Club of Spirituality “Lada” for having a new edition of «I Am a Woman» Almanac.


Young poet Taya Kauri Poet Valery Belousov Eleanor Komarevskaya reading chapters of his new book Children in war Young poet extinguishing Lapshun

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