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Центральна міська бібліотека
ЦБС Шевченківського району м. Харкова

“A Generous Gift to the Library”

The library-subsidiary № 22 was given as a present by the famous Kharkov men of letters Omelchenko B. M., Rodionov V. A. and Volchok E. Y. with their new books and also the works of other poets and writers of our city: Arkady Filatov, Alexei Aulov, Rima Kataeva , Yuri Stadnichenko , Ivan Perepelyak , Zelman Kats, Roman Levin and others. 
New books by Vladimir Rodionov New books Evelyn Volchok Gift library of Basil Omelchenko Books Arkady and Boris Filatov Froenchenko

Our readers got a chance to come to know about the trilogy by Omelchenko Vasil “My Contemporary’s Life”, which is devoted to the destiny of a common Ukrainian family which went through numerous hard ordeals of life. This book has everything: hate and love, poverty and wealth, happiness and sorrow – all the components of people’s lives. The main character is an ordinary man, who strives to survive mentally and physically.
The admirers of Vladimir Rodionov’s works can read not only his poetry but prose as well; it is represented in five-volume edition of essays. His prose is the revelation which was left beyond the poetry. The poet presented the library with four aphorism-books also written by him: “The Autographs of my Life”, “The Word of Soul, the Lines of Heart”, “Without Talking to the Winds” and “The Inspiration of Flowing Words”, the book of translations “The Glow of Ukrainian Snow-Wood”. Love and tenderness, friendship and faithfulness are natural Valdimir Rodionov’s topics. It is impossible to remain untouched by his poems while reading them. So wisely, delicately and gently he tells about simple creature feelings and extraordinary love.
Evelina Volchok, a translateress and poetess from Kharkov, presented her new collection “The Eddy of Emotions, or Poems and Me”, in which next to her own works and translations, the memories about modern poets from Kharkov have been represented.
The admirers of Ukrainian humor can get to know about the interesting and witty humoresques by Yaroslav Zhikhovych in the collection “Granny’s Porridge”. The humoresques cover the whole spectrum of human’s life which is amusingly described by the author.
For the readers interested in life and creative work of Grygory Skovoroda, we could offer an interesting dramatic poem written by Ivan Perepeliak “Grygory Skovoroda”, the main idea of which is loyalty to yourself, your heart and your nation.
You can find these books and many other works of writers from Kharkov in our library
Read with us! Read at our place!

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Адреса: Україна, Харків, 61058, вул. Данилевського, б. 34
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E-mail: citylibbelin@gmail.com
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