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Центральна міська бібліотека
ЦБС Шевченківського району м. Харкова

“Useful and Interesting about the Nature”

«It is interesting and useful about the nature & raquo; Students listen with interest about nature and caring for her. «It is interesting and useful about the nature & raquo; Students listen with interest about nature and caring for her.

On July 5-6, 2014 the children from summer camp of the lyceum № 149 visited the Peter Panch central children library. The main topic of the meeting with the children was the nature and the attitude towards it as it was the summertime – a perfect time for picnics, outings and hikes.
Nature – is the natural environment of a human being. And it’s necessary to take care of it. During the ancient times peoples’ attitude to the nature was protective and reverent. Nowadays, due to the hyperactive usage of natural resources, the atmosphere is being mercilessly polluted and this fact itself questions the existence of a human being as specie. What is wrong with us, why has the mankind come to such a treatment of the nature? This is a very difficult question, as a definite answer hasn’t been found yet. Most people concurred that the reasons of such a problem was in the human consciousness, in their exploitative treatment of things which could be stated in one short but succinct phrase: “Live your life to the fullest”. As a result, human beings took the path of frank and undisguised plundering of natural heritage and have been progressively losing their human aspect. It may lead to the inglorious end of the whole human civilization. To prevent it, everybody should realize that only in unity with nature we can save ourselves and the whole mankind from mental degradation and impending death.
«It is interesting and useful about the nature; Fishing; - The competition between the team of girls and boys. «It is interesting and useful about the nature; Team passionately rooting for their players We spoke with the children about plants, mushrooms, animals and birds which can be found in our forests. By playing the “Fishing” game children were divided into boys- and girls-teams, each participant was given a makeshift fishing rod and the winner was determined by counting how many “fish” he or she had got.
 The time spent in the library was lively and useful, children learned lots of new things about the nature and promised to take care of it in the future. They also came to know about the following books from the library-fund: “The Encyclopedia of Wildlife”, “The Traces of Birds and Animals” by K. Doleysh, “Forest Tales” by E. Shym, “The Unknown Paths” by G. Skrebitsky, “My Pets” by V. Chaplin and many other books about nature and the love of it.

На нашому сайті з'явився ресурс, який допоможе знайти найближчу до вас бібліотеку, дізнатися, як з нею зв'язатися і скористатися її послугами. Будемо ближче в цифровому і реальному світі!
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