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Центральна міська бібліотека
ЦБС Шевченківського району м. Харкова

The Best Reader of the Year - 2015

Ushakova Lubov Fyodorovna is having a warm-up with participants of the contest Ushakova Lubov Fyodorovna is having a warm-up with participants of the contest

The second round of the ‘Best Reader of the Year – 2015’ contest was held in the Petr Punch Central Children’s Library on 19 March 2015. Pupils from schools № 159, 147, 154, lyceum № 149 and gymnasium № 6 took part in it.
Before the participants’ performance, there was a warm-up in which the children took part in a literature quest concerning the literary activity of modern Ukrainian writers, showed creative presentations about their favourite writers and fought literature duels.
In the second part of the contest, each participant told the audience about their favourite book and shared their impressions about what they have read. All the children were very well prepared and took the contest very seriously. Their performances were interesting and informative.
Aslanyan Anna is giving her presentation about the writer Antoine Saint-Exupery The winners of the second round of the ‘Best Reader of the Year – 2015’ contest: Voronina Yekaterina The competent jury, which consisted of representatives of the district library and schools, determined the best of the best. The criteria for selection were: erudition, the ability to express thoughts, elocution, sociability and creative abilities.
It took the jury a long time to decide on the winner. It was difficult to choose the best as all the children did their best and performed very well.
All the participants got some gifts, and the three best of the best, who will represent Dzherzhinsky District at the next round of the contest ‘The Best Reader of Ukraine – 2015’, got certificates and valuable prizes.
The winners of the second round of the ‘Best Reader of the Year – 2015’ contest:  Aslanyan Anna The winners of the second round of the ‘Best Reader of the Year – 2015’ contest: Hembarskaya Alina Here are their names:
Voronina Yekaterina
, Form 7-А, gymnasium № 6
Aslanyan Anna, Form 6-А, school № 159
Hembarskaya Alina, Form 7-А, lyceum № 149 

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