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Центральна міська бібліотека
ЦБС Шевченківського району м. Харкова

I want to work in your library!

Iryna Vladimorovna Serenko acquainted the students with the (ALIS) Absotheque Unicode. She told them about the stages of the system’s implementation in the V.G. Belinsky Central Municipal Library ‘Computerized information library system (ALIS) Absotheque Unicode – new unique opportunities for libraries

On March 11 2015, students of the first and fifth years of Social Network (Communication) Department of Kharkov State Academy of Culture were invited to the V.G. Belinsky Central Municipal Library.
They attended a lesson whose topic was ‘Computerized information library system (ALIS) Absotheque Unicode – new unique opportunities for libraries.’
The deputy director Iryna Vladimorovna Serenko acquainted the students with the (ALIS) Absotheque Unicode, its peculiarities and functional opportunities, told them about the stages of the system’s implementation in the V.G. Belinsky Central Municipal Library and the Corporate network of public libraries in the city of Kharkov, and also about the ALIS influence on changes in library technological processes.
The advantages of the ALIS Absotheque Unicode, its modules, main functions and opportunities were analyzed.
The use of ALIS in the library is determined by the necessity to serve the customers faster and more efficiently. It is obvious that with the development of social medium, the opportunities to provide ALIS users with information service broaden and their requirements in new kinds of information products and services increase. Makarova Darya; Nedugova Vaselyna; Kovalyova Anastasya; Korolchuk Darina; Tymchenko Polina; Danilova Yulya; Bazya Alina; Bayramova Leila; Borodulina Yana; Grinshput Tanya; Kravtsova Oksana; Mulovos Yana; Tchebotaryova Oksana; Tshetinina Elvira; Valeria Pavlovna Zhukova; Zacharchenko Yulia Evgenievna; Iryna Vladimorovna Serenko Makarova Darya; Nedugova Vaselyna; Kovalyova Anastasya; Korolchuk Darina; Tymchenko Polina; Danilova Yulya; Bazya Alina; Bayramova Leila; Borodulina Yana; Grinshput Tanya; Kravtsova Oksana; Mulovos Yana; Tchebotaryova Oksana; Tshetinina Elvira; Valeria Pavlovna Zhukova; Zacharchenko Yulia Evgenievna

The realization of the project ALIS Absotheque Unicode is ‘The Corporate network of public city libraries of Kharkov. Implementation of new information technologies.’ The main information product of the corporation is the online catalogue of corporate network of public city libraries of Kharkov.
The work on the online catalogue was performed by the Kharkov central library system and the K.S. Stanislavskiy Kharkov municipal specialized music and art library. The participants of the project are united into a local network with the access to the ALIS Absotheque Unicode server.
As for 01.01.2015, the volume of the Corporate online catalogue was more than 80 000 references.
Since 2012 the process of catalogues retro-converting and their bar coding has been underway in the libraries - members of the corporation.
Since 2010 the library users have had access to the online catalogue of the Corporate network of public city libraries of Kharkov via the Module ABSOPAC UNICODE within the central library system of the city.
Elena Aleksandrovna Aidakina shows the students around the departments of the library. Elena Aleksandrovna Aidakina shows the students around the departments of the library. The future specialists in library science and bibliography, headed by their tutor Valeria Pavlovna Zhukova, associate professor of the library science and social network department, PhD in social networking, shared their impressions about the library, the work that had been done by its staff and about the perspectives of the project under realization.
The creation of the library online catalogue not only considerably speeds up the process of serving the library users and raises its quality, but also changes and alters the whole complex of the existing technologies.
Without the computerization of the document processing or the wrong approach to it, the library becomes a mere warehouse of a great number of information sources which may not be effectively used by the developing society.
The students of Kharkov State Academy of Culture enjoy being acquainted with the library Valeria Pavlovna Zhukova and Iryna Vladimorovna Serenko In conclusion, the head of the circulation department Elena Aleksandrovna Aidakina showed the future colleagues around the departments of the library.
Having seen that our library has the ideal conditions for meeting the information needs of its users and staff at computerized work stations with Internet access, the students cried out, ‘We want to work in your library!’


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