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Центральна міська бібліотека
ЦБС Шевченківського району м. Харкова

The Contest "Person. Fate. Epoch" Successfully Completed.

The director of the V. G. Belinsky central library Svetlana Peredery The Soloists of Kharkiv Philharmonic Society the violinist Inna Kirilenko and the pianist Stanislav Kalinin are opening the event

On June 13, 2014, the results of the annual literary contest "Person. Fate. Epoch" were officially announced in the V. G. Belinsky central library. When in 2011, the staff of the library and a group of Kharkov writers decided to hold the first literary contest of spiritual, philosophical and civil poetry and prose in order to mark the 200th anniversary of V. G. Belinskiy, it was difficult to foresee that the competition would become so popular not only among Kharkov writers, but would also be known far beyond the city of Kharkov and even Ukraine.
It is very pleasant that more and more young writers take part in the contest. This year in the nomination of "Young Voices", the jury distinguished the originality of style and freshness of the plot of the young prose writers Natalya Tsygichko, Maria Varlygina and Polina Korogodskaya; the lyricism and emotion of the philosophical poetry of Gasya Lapshun

Irochka Soloninkina, a pupil of the music school No. 9 Galina (Gasya) Lapshun, the winner of the 1st prize in the nomination

Our mature authors pleased us with the variety of genres ranging from fantasy to essays, from epigrams to poems. Irina Konikhina, Yury Ilyichev and Yury Slepushenko, the writers who repeatedly took part in our contests and more than once made the visitors of the library happy with their talented performances were awarded special diplomas and prizes. The event was illuminated by the wonderful musical performances of the soloists of Kharkiv Philharmonic Society Inna Kirilenko and Stanislav Kalinin, and the young talented pianist  Irochka Soloninkina. The music of Bartok’s, Grieg’s and Beethoven's was performed.  


Polina Korogodskaya – the winner of the 3 d prize in the nomination Varlygina Maria – the winner of the 2 nd prize in the nomination

 Since 2014, the contest "Person. Fate. Epoch" has got the status of the all-city contest. Thanks to the Municipal Department of Culture, the participants of the contest and the winners were able to receive memorable signs and diplomas, and what is very important, a possibility to publish their works in an almanac.
The contest contributed to the promotion of the city’s creative life, discovered creatively gifted Kharkovites, helped young people to socialize with the representatives of Kharkov’s creative elite. The contest justified its motto "Our thoughts are about duty, justice and the truth" (V. G. Belinsky). 

Tsygichko Natalya – the winner of the 1st prize in the nomination Konikhina Irina – a jury’s special prize for love to literature and devotion to the library

We sincerely congratulate all the participants of the contest and invite everybody to take part in the next jubilee 5th All-City literary contest of spiritual, philosophical and civil poetry and prose "Person. Fate. Epoch"




The winners of the 4th city literary contest "Person. Fate. Epoch"

 Nomination "Poetry"
1st place

Peschanskaya Olga
Ivanov Igor
2nd place
Volkov Alexey
Borovaya Lyudmila
3d place
Kazantsev Ivan
Zvyagina Olga

Nomination "Prose"
1st place

Garbuzov Yulyi
2nd place
Skorobogaty Igor
3d place
Gurevich Mikhail

Nomination "Young Voices"
1st place

Lapshun Galina (Gasya) – poetry
Tsygichko Natalya – prose
2nd place
Varlyginа Maria - prose
3d place
Korogodskaya Polina – prose 

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