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Центральна міська бібліотека
ЦБС Шевченківського району м. Харкова

“Everything begins with love”

A festive literary- musical evening by Saint Valentine’s day with a beautiful name “Everything begins with love” was held in Belinskiy central city library on the 15th of February, 2018 with a great success. 

Kind friends – teachers and pupils of Kolyada children’s music school No. 13 came round to the visitors of the the literary – musical living room “Slobozhanshchina”

An outstanding Kharkiv’s actor, a master of an artistic word Anatoliy Konkov which congratulated those who gathered on a celebration and read loved by everybody poetry, he opened a festive literary- musical evening “Everything begins with love”. 

Soloist Kirill Tishchenko Visitors literary and music room Slobozhanschina

A bright, emotional performance was presented to the audience by talented pupils of  Kolyada children’s music school No. 13 which is celebrating its 45th anniversary since the day of its organization. Talented children struck the visitors of the literary – musical living room “Slobozhanshchina” with amazing singing and a masterly play on musical instruments. 

The teachers of Kolyada children’s music school No. 13  - a soloist Svetlana Kolentseva and a concertmaster Vanda Kovalevskaya ornamented a festive literary – musical evening with famous Ukrainian folk songs.  

Soloists Svetlana Kolentseva and Kirill Tishchenko All participants of the literary and musical evening

The visitors of the literary – musical living room “Slobozhanshchina” were glad to listen to a talented soloist Kirill Tishchenko who  graduated from Kolyada children’s music school No. 13 and became a student of Lyatoshinskiy Kharkiv musical college. A young talented vocalist struck the present with his sincerity and emotional manner of performance of complicated vocal compositions one more time. 

An ornament of the festive literary- musical evening : “Everything begins with love” was an amazing performance of talented teachers of  Kolyada children’s music school No. 13 Svetlana Kolentseva, Marianna Fishchenko, Yulia Pigar who comprise the trio “Inspiration” .

A talented soloist Melaniya Zeva and also talented pianists Anastasia Grushko and Vladislava Utyugova amused bith their mastery performance of complicated musical compositions. 

The visitors of the the literary – musical living room “Slobozhanshchina” 

Were meeting warmly all the participants of the festive literary – musical evening “ Everything begins with love”, they were wishing creative success, thanking for amazing mood, were presenting them with flowers.


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Адреса: Україна, Харків, 61058, вул. Данилевського, б. 34
Телефон: (057) 705-19-90.
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E-mail: citylibbelin@gmail.com
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