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Центральна міська бібліотека
ЦБС Шевченківського району м. Харкова

The world is in children’s hands

The world is in children’s handsThe world is in children’s handsThe world is in children’s handsThe world is in children’s hands

There was a rewarding of the winners of an annual city children’s contest "The world is in children’s hands" held in Belinskiy Central City Library, it was a great success. 

Our library has been holding a children’s creative contest the second time in a framework of an annual literary contest “ A person , a destiny, an epoch”  that has been uniting talented poets and  writers of Ukraine for 8 years so far. 

An annual children’s creative contest "The world is in children’s hands" represented talented young Kharkiv’s musician, pianists, painters, poets, writers…

We congratulate the winners: The nomination "Poetry": 1 place - Polina Senchuk, 2 place - Nikita Lukash, 3 place - Julia Alekseeva.

Nomination "Prose": 1st place - Evgenia Lukashova, 2nd place - Ekaterina Dementieva.

Nomination "Declamation": 1st place - Alexander Korshunov, 2nd place - Alisa Solovyeva, 3rd place - Oleg Umantsev.

Nomination "Piano Junior": 1st place - Uliana Galushka-Adaykina, 2nd place - Vasilisa Vasilko, 3rd place - Eva Goncharenko.

Nomination "Piano Middle band": 1st place - Ivan Ryazanov, 2nd place - Tatyana Matskova, 3rd place - Elizabeth Parfilo. Nomination "Piano Senior group": 1st place - Anastasia Grushko, 2nd place - Ruslan Fatyanov, 3rd place - Anastasia Rul. Nomination "Vocal": 1st place - Melania Zev, 2nd place - Elena Chernykh, 3rd place - Yana Durikhina.

«Світ у дитячих руках»«Світ у дитячих руках» foto1«Світ у дитячих руках»

Nomination "Folk Instruments": 1st place - Elena Chernykh, 2nd place - Ekaterina Korol, 3rd place - Anastasia Kuzenkova. Nomination "Fine Arts": 1st place - Victoria Hvashchenkova, 2nd place - Sofia Pertsova, 3rd place - Taisia Semerenskaya.

There was a books’ festival «Kharkiv BookFest 2018» held in Kharkiv on the 18-27 of May. This is a serie of open for public events, united by a common “book idea” and held on different stages of the city. Its purpose is a popularization of reading, developing of Ukrainian literature.

Each day of the festival was filled with interesting events: lectures, excursions, meetings with Ukrainian authors, presentations of the books. The festival ended with a book fair “A day in the garden” that was held at the central alley of Shevchenko park on the 27-28 of May. A huge entertainment program with free of charge master classes, contests and quizzes was held here. 

«Мир в детских руках»«Світ у дитячих руках» «Світ у дитячих руках» «Світ у дитячих руках»

 A rewarding of the kids- participants of a poetry contest "The world is in children’s hands" was held  on the base of Belinskiy Central City Library in the framework of the festival on the 24th of May, and in Shevchenko park on the 27th of May. 

The world is in children’s handsThe world is in children’s handsThe world is in children’s handsThe world is in children’s hands

The talented children of our city were reading their own poetry, the works both of Ukrainian classics( by Shevchenko, Stus, Kostenko) and foreign authors. 

The winners- participants of the contest were awarded with great books from the leadership of of Kharkiv’s edition “Factor”. 

The world is in children’s handsThe world is in children’s handsThe world is in children’s handsThe world is in children’s hands

All the participants and guests of the festival got a great deal of positive emotions and impressions.

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Адреса: Україна, Харків, 61058, вул. Данилевського, б. 34
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E-mail: citylibbelin@gmail.com
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