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Центральна міська бібліотека
ЦБС Шевченківського району м. Харкова

Congratulations on Victory Day!

Dear readers and residents of the city of Kharkiv, the team of the Central City Library. VG Belinsky congratulates you on Victory Day

Victory Day is one of the biggest and most important holidays for us. It is a symbol of freedom, selflessness, unity and courage.

Now we need to understand the price paid by millions of people around the world, bringing victory in the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War. They gave everything they had, and life, and strength, and soul. And for all this, a deep bow to you - the liberators, veterans and those who were far from the front, but every day of their hard work brings us victory. Thank you.

Time flies, and every year there are fewer and fewer witnesses of a terrible human catastrophe among us. Dear veterans, we have always admired and will always admire your achievement. Each of you is a whole legend, each of you carries on your shoulders both a heavy load of memories and an invaluable lesson for all of us. And everyone would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You, having taken off your uniform, become someone's fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, you still remain defenders for us.

Thank you, and to you, who did not return from the fields, never having seen the long-awaited victory. But every inch of the earth, stained with your blood, has become sacred to us.

We will remember you always and will always be grateful to you !

На нашому сайті з'явився ресурс, який допоможе знайти найближчу до вас бібліотеку, дізнатися, як з нею зв'язатися і скористатися її послугами. Будемо ближче в цифровому і реальному світі!
Календар подій
Банери партнерів

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Центральна міська бібліотека централізованої бібліотечної системи Шевченківського району м. Харкова

Адреса: Україна, Харків, 61058, вул. Данилевського, б. 34
Телефон: (057) 705-19-90.
Телефон: +38 096-860-08-20.
E-mail: citylibbelin@gmail.com
Розклад роботи - з 10.00 до 18.00
Вихідний день – вівторок, влітку: субота та неділя
Санітарний день – останній день місяця
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