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Центральна міська бібліотека
ЦБС Шевченківського району м. Харкова

“Philosophy of an age”

talented Kharkiv’s painter Natalia Alimova “Philosophy of an age”

With a great success there was a presentation of an exhibition of a talented Kharkiv’s painter Natalia Alimova “Philosophy of an age” held in Belinskiy central city library on the 22nd of June, 2017. 

A lot of spectators ask to explain what the author meant creating this or that painting. Each painting is like an infant. There is a moment of conceiving , bearing and birth. Sometimes the childbirth is lightning-like and sometimes they last for months. 

An idea of the creation of a cycle “9 cups” – is steps of a soul’s becoming. 

Nonexistence is a stage of unconscious. A soul is drowning into the illusion, passing all the temptations of the world through itself. 

“A sleep” – not resisting a vice, an inert soul finds itself in the lowest point of its existence – conditionally at the bottom. Sky electricity by grace of the Over powers touches a sleeping soul. A discharge – and a weak impulse of life. 

“Awakening” – yet the illusions are still ahead. Here the main thing is to resurrect and to believe that it can do it. 

“Illusions” – one of the most beautiful pictures. A soul is bathing in grace, taking off the winner’s laurels. Pretty much all the beginners to start in a way inside yourself are passing this stage. When it seems to you that you are an inhabitant of supreme worlds and you communicate virtually with angels and teachers of the humanity. 

“Exemption from the illusions” – destruction of mental constructions, when you let go everything( or almost all the ideas of whatever). The temple is again being destroyed for the sake of another one. 

“Transition” – is one of the author’s favorite pictures. It’s about a pawn that passed the enemy’s field has a right of walking in a way a queen does. This is a transition from a personality to an essence. 

“Inition” – a soul becomes a conductor – a compiler of  Higher Powers. 

A rank, status, title, position don’t matter here. A person does not belong to his “ego” together with his games. A Universe is being created though him. 

“A conclusion” - a physical conductor is running out and turns into the ground being brightened by fireworks of good deeds. His consciousness walks out of skinny clothes, continuing its development. 

“Rebirth” – started from a stub in the first picture and ends in the last picture. SOMETHING in our case that resembles a flower that reminds of LIFE grows from s rotten stub….

The exhibition of works of Natalia Alimova caused  an animated interest both of the visitors of  the literary – musical living room “ Slobozhanshchina” and the guests of Belinskiy central city library. 

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Адреса: Україна, Харків, 61058, вул. Данилевського, б. 34
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