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“Computer educational program”

Belinskiy central city library opened its doors for the teaching pensioners computer literacy “Computer educational program” again on the 12th of September, 2017. 

“Computer educational program” “Computer educational program”

Our disciples have been learning everything that was given on the lessons hard and doing all the homework. In course of education they learnt program Microsoft Word, created emails and accounts in Google, learnt Skype, leant how to copy data from Internet and a lot of other things. 

We asked the disciples of “The educational program” how they got to us and what they thought of our courses and here’s what they replied:
“ It’s vital for elder people and for people with disabilities to learn how to work on computer. A window to the world was opened for us!”- says Anna Stavitskaya. 
She learned about our courses from her aunt and realized it will work for her. 
She got to us through social organization “Good deeds bureau”, which has been cooperating with Belinskiy central city library second year. 
Lidiya Bogdan claimed: “ I am frequently present at different events, lectures, evenings at Belinskiy central city library and I saw an advertisement on “ Computer educational program”. I have wanted to replenish my knowledge on Computer literacy and signed up for the course. I am very content with the course. Attention was paid to each one.” 
Zarovnaya Iryna, an employee of “Good deeds bureau” handed certificates on the end of course to the graduate on the 7th of November. 

“Computer educational program”

“We are glad hearing positive comments on our work and we’re looking forward to  a new group of pupils to teach them how not to be afraid of a computer but to have friendship with it”- Serenko Iryna Vladimirovna and Bayramova Leyla Rustamovna say. 
If you haven’t taken a course of computer literacy “ Computer educational program” yet, then get enrolled in it. We’re waiting for each one and we’re glad to help all comers!

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