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Центральна міська бібліотека
ЦБС Шевченківського району м. Харкова

Person, Destiny, Epoch

There was a festive rewarding of the winners according to the results of an annual city literary competition of spiritually- philosophical, civic poetry and prose "Person, Destiny, Epoch"  took place in Belinskiy Central City Library.

Person, Destiny, EpochPerson, Destiny, EpochPerson, Destiny, EpochPerson, Destiny, EpochPerson, Destiny, Epoch

This year literary competition of spiritually - philosophical, civic poetry and prose « Person, Destiny, Epoch” was held in 5 nominations: “My City (by 75th anniversary of the day of liberation of  Kharkov), “Poetry” , “Prose”, “ Poetry Young Voices”, “Prose Young Voices”. More than 150 poets and writers from 8 Ukrainian cities took part in the literary competition. The chairman of the Belinskiy Central Library Svetlana Ivanovna  Perederiy and a representative of the city department of culture Eugeniy Pavlovich Burda warmly congratulated the winners and participants of the literary competition "Person, Destiny, Epoch”. 

Person, Destiny, EpochPerson, Destiny, EpochPerson, Destiny, EpochPerson, Destiny, EpochPerson, Destiny, Epoch

Then in the solemn atmosphere the winners of spiritually- philosophical, civic poetry and prose "Person, Destiny, Epoch”  were held deserved rewards. 

In the anniversary nomination “My City”  first degree diploma was handed to Kharkov’s poetess Valeriya Belous; second degree diploma was handed to Olga Podlesna ( Kharkiv); third degree diplomas were handed to Natalia Danilchenko( Kharkov) and Lubov Philipenko (Kharkiv) .

In the nomination “Poetry” first degree diploma was handed to Olga Podlesnaya (Kharkiv); second degree diploma was handed to poetess Nadezhda Shtanko ( Konstantinovka); third degree diploma got Natalya Alymova (Kharkiv). 

In the nomination “Prose” first degree diploma got an author Elena Kislovskaya (Druzhkovka), second degree diploma got a writer Valeriya Belous( Kharkiv); third degree diploma was handed to Alexander Zhiroov( Kharkiv). 

In the nomination “Poetry Young Voices” first degree diploma got talented Kharkiv’s poet and author – performer Sergey Otvodenko; second degree diploma got a young Kharkiv’s poetess Taya Kauri; third degree diploma was handed to Oleg Boroday ( Kharkiv) .

Person, Destiny, EpochPerson, Destiny, EpochPerson, Destiny, EpochPerson, Destiny, Epoch

In the nomination “Prose Young Voices” first degree diploma got a writer Elena Dobrutskaya( Kiev); second degree diploma got Viktoriya Mikhaylova( Kiev); third degree diploma got Timur Bartazyan( Trostyanets). 

The third release of the literary almonac, in which the compositions of the winners of an annual city literary competition of spiritually- philosophical, civic poetry and prose "Person, Destiny, Epoch” will be released in August.

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