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There is nothing impossible exists

Ask yourself what you are going to do while being retired? Don’t know? What about learning new technologies? Nowadays children from the very childhood learn how to use the computer, play games, search for information on the internet and just chat. But the older generation.. doesn’t understand this. 

For this purpose  our library together with the social organization “Good deeds bureau” conducts classes on computer literacy. Here we teach pensioners working on computer and not being afraid of it. All our disciples start their way from the skill of turning the computer on till roaming calls and fluent using of a search on the internet. 

For the moment the fourth group started the education on our base. All the people come having different level of preparation and knowledge. We help dealing with computer and realizing what they do, what  will happen if they press this or that button. 

There is nothing impossible exists There is nothing impossible exists

But we’re not the only one who conduct such classes. Four of our libraries- branches came to our rescue. 

Do you want to learn this all too? In this case sign in for our classes!

На нашому сайті з'явився ресурс, який допоможе знайти найближчу до вас бібліотеку, дізнатися, як з нею зв'язатися і скористатися її послугами. Будемо ближче в цифровому і реальному світі!
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Центральна міська бібліотека ім. В. Г. Бєлінського

Адреса: Україна, Харків, 61058, вул. Данилевського, б. 34
Телефон: (057) 705-19-90.
Телефон: +38 097-158-98-41.
E-mail: citylibbelin@gmail.com
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